Kitagiri Mona 1

Back to Aki's POV


*Giggles* a four year old me giggled while watching the drops of the rain into the water, Its earlier in the morning and I'm here at my favorite place the waterfalls, this waterfalls is my favorite place why because of its breathtaking view specially when raining, I stand up but I slip because of the slippy ground of the rocks in the edge of the waterfalls, I close my eyes and ready myself to fall to the cold water of the waterfalls but someone grab my wrist and pulled me back,

"Are you okay?" an unknown voice said, when I open my eyes in front of me is an unknown boy I stared at his chocolate brown eyes, I started to feel my heart is beating faster, faster than before, my face is slowly heating up and I can feel an unknown feelings in my stomach, but I just ignored it,

"Uh! I'm alright!" I responded and started to stand straight,

"Be careful! the ground is so slippy because of the rain!" the boy kindly said to me,

"What are you doing here?" he asked, "Um I was just watching the drops of the rain!" I responded but I suddenly,




"Oh! your sneezing! take this!" he took of his scarf around his neck and handed it to me,

"No its okay I'm alright!" I rejected his offer,

"Its okay you can take it!" the boy said,

"But how about you?" I asked,

"You can take it because your the one who most needed it!" he said and smiled,

"Okay!" he put the scarf around my neck the scarf is a hand made scarf,

"Arigato!" I said to him and smiled,

"No problem!"

"Is this scarf is hand made?" I asked,

"Yeah my grandmother does that scarf for me!" he happily exclaimed, he was about to speak again but,

"Aki!...Aki!...there­ you are!" my father suddenly arrives,

"Otosan!" my father pick me up into his arms,

"Let's go home the food is already cooked!" my father said, he turn around and started to walk away and I glance to the boy I wave at him as a good bye and he wave back at me, when we arrived at home I realized that the scarf was still in my neck, "Aki! come here we have to eat!" my mother said, "Coming!" I run to my mother and sit in her lap...




"Uhhh!" I groan and press the off botton of my alarm, when I look at my window my mood lit ups I rush to my window,

The drops of the rain is visible to my window glass, "Its raining!" a small smile form into my lips, suddenly my dream flashback to my mind, "Who is he? that dream..... true.....?" I asked to myself, because in that dream the girl is me, my memories when I was still young is a little bit blurry for me,




"Akira-chan you have to get ready!" Ami-san knock at the door and spoke, "Coming!" I responded and do my daily routine again to go to school,




Tokyo University

As usual all heads again is in me whispers here whispers there I hate this so much attention,

"Have a good day Aki-sama!" Kiro-san spoke while opening an umbrella and the door of the car, when I look up the umbrella is clear I can see the rain drops falling on it a small smile form on my lips,

"I knew you since eight years old.....bring this umbrella don't get yourself soaked because of the rain again you might get a cold! I don't want your father to scold me again" Kiro-san sincerely said,

"*Sigh*...Okay!" Kiro-san hand me the clear umbrella,

"I know you really really like looking up in the rain so I buy that clear umbrella for you!" he said before going back inside the car,

"Arigato...Kiro-san!­" I said to him,

"Don't thank me... Its my job!"

"I know but...Arigato!"

"Okay have a good day!" he said before driving, I started to walk heading to my classroom suddenly I bumped in an olive haired girl in the middle of the hallway, "Oh G-gomen I d-didn't mean to b-bump to you!" she stutter,

"Its okay its only an accident!" I said to her and walk to my classroom, I'm a loner type of student I don't have any friends ever since I started to study in this school in one word antisocial at first there's some students approaching me but in the end their just approaching me because of my family status,






Our teacher is discussing something about our lesson, "Okay now write the notes from the board to your have to study for the upcoming quiz!" and we all started to write the notes in our notebooks, while writing one of my ballpens accidentally fall to the ground I try to reach it but I can't, I try it again but a hand get it first before me,

"A-ano..... h-here!" the girl from earlier hand my ballpen to me,


"K-Kitagiri Mona!" she spoke shyly,

"Arigato Kitagiri-san!" a say and bow and continue nibling into my notebook,







The bell rings signing its lunch time, I pick up my things and grab my bento box heading to my usual place at the rooftop, the rain already stops but the rooftop is wet because of the rain earlier I walk slowly to avoid slipping I don't want to harm myself I sit in a dry place not to my usual spot which is at the edge of the rooftop the wind is cold but not so cold I started to eat my bento box, even if I know that I can buy any food and join the other students to eat at the cafeteria I didn't do it I must prefer a homemade food instead of the hurried cooked foods in the cafeteria, when I finished eating my food I pick up my things and head down but something catch my attention,

"Do you think sorry is enough for this! huh! you spill all that fucking chocolate drink to me!!!" someone shout angrily a violet haired girl is shouting at the olive haired girl,

"B-but y-your the one who bumped to me thats why---"

"What! so you blaming me!" there's so many students watching the commotion but no one has a guts to stop it,

"N-no thats n-not my point I-its only an a-accident--"

"Accident! look what you did to me! look now I'm all fucking sticky because of that fucking chocolate drink! do you think sorry is enough you fucking--" the violet haired girl is about to slap the olive haired girl thats why I take an action and walk to her and grab her hand before her hand touch the face of the olive haired girl,

"What the--" she glance at me but she stop in her tracks and widened her eyes when she look at me,

"Stop this nonsense commotion the lunch time will end soon and the teachers will soon arrive!" I spoke emotionless,

"B-but this girl--"

"Stop this... violence is not the key!... I knew you have some extra clothes in your locker right!" I cut her,

"Y-yes I have..."

"Then get change instead of starting some nonsense commotion!" I stoically said to her and released her hand, before leaving she glared at the olive haired girl and leave,

"Are you okay?" I asked the girl, she is the girl from my class earlier,

"A-arigato!" she bow to thank me,

"Its okay...I think we have to go back to our class because the bell will ring soon!" I responded and started to walk to my classroom