Kitagiri Mona 2

After School Hours

The bell rings signing its the end of school hours I stand up, pick up my things and walk to the door,

"A-ano...S-Sakura-sa­n r-right!" the girl called to me so I faced her and nod,

" weee have a l-lunch together tomorrow I-I want to give you something as a thank you!" she said while scratching the nape of her cheeks,

"You don't have to give me something! its my decision to help you."

"Um b-but please I-I just want to give you something to express my gratitude..."

"...okay I don't mind!"

"Okay s-sayonara!" she bow and run to the door,







Its a sunny afternoon I'm here again at my favorite place when I heard someone is running to my direction I turn my head and smiled, "Oh your here again!" I said to him happily, "You too!" he responded, "Thank you for helping me again yesterday! ah I forgot your scarf is still on me I forgot to bring it I didn't know that you will come again!" I said to him, "No problem you can give it to me anytime soon!" he said to me and I felt relieved, "Are you always here?" I asked him, "Hm! not everyday I just want to have some fun here today!" she said to me and held a grin, "How?" I asked confused and he chuckled, "Do you want to have some fun?" he asked me, "Huh?" I asked still confused and he only chuckled the boy grab my hand and drag me at the edge of the rock, "W-what are we going to do?" I asked still confused, "Get ready!" he said to me, "Huh? are we going to jump?!" I asked in shock,




"Are we seriously going to jump?"

"San... Ikou!!!" and we jump to the cold water of the waterfalls I see him lifted his head but I have a great idea to have fun,

"Huh? were are you?" I heard him asked he glance from left to right,

"Oh crap did she didn't know how to swim?" I heard him asked to himself again, I slowly swim to him and grab his legs from the water and pulled him back at it I swim up and lift my head from the water,

"Haaah!" he regain his breath whe he lift his head from the water I giggled and he turn his head to me,

"*Giggles*...did I scare you?" I asked,

"N-no I'm not scared of anything?" he say confidently,

"*Giggles* but you look pale and scared earlier!" I said while giggling,

"N-no I'm not!" then I started to laugh,

"Hey you look like a tomato!" I said and started to laugh again and I heard him laugh along with me.....




My alarm ends my dream I lazily get up and look at my window it's raining again, "Okasan!" I said to myself then the boy about my dream flash to my mind, "Who is he why I've been dreaming about him?"  I thought to myself this is the second time I've dream about him with me,






Lunch Time

When the bell rings signing its lunch time Kitagiri-san approach me and place a plain red bento box on my desk,

"I-its for you! I-its a strawberry short cake" she shyly says,

"You don't have to buy this for me!"

"N-no I-I made it!"

"You made it?"

"Yeah I made it just for you!" she kindly said,

"Arigato!" I stand up,

"W-were are you eating at lunch?" she asked,

"At the rooftop."

"C-can I join?" she shyly asked,

"You said that you want to join to me at lunch yesterday right."

"H-hai! if-if its okay to you!"

"Its not a problem."

I started to walk heading to the rooftop beside me is Kitagiri-san, all eyes is on us and I can hear what is their talking about,

"Look is that the girl who transfered one week ago?"

"Yes she is...but why she's along with Sakura-san?"

"I don't know? she have a guts to approach her?"

"Yeah didn't she knew that Sakura-san is the daughter of Omauri Fuji?"

"No I think she knew I think she only sticking to her as a protection!"

"Haha maybe!"

I fasten my pace to the rooftop, when we got there I sit in my usual spot and started to eat my bento box.

"You always bringing food like me...I never seen you buy a food at the cafeteria!" she asked,

"I just don't want to!" I stoically responded we ate our food peacefully when I finished my bento box I stared at the red bento box she gave me I decided to open it its a strawberry cake with icing and strawberry on top of it I grab my spoon, scoop and place it into my mouth.....,

"D-do you like it!" she suddenly asked,

"N-...Not bad!" I stoically responded,

"Am! I know I'm not so good I'm still learning for it!" she said shyly I silently ate the strawberry cake its delicious but not delicious like my mother's cooking,

"Ano...Sakura-san...­If you don't mind can I ask you something?" she asked,

"I don't mind!" I answered,

"D-don't you have any friends? I-I never seen you with other students before?"

"Its one students has a guts to approach me! but...I don't care!" I stoically responded,

"Oh!! can...can I always join you b-because I don't have friends b-because I suddenly transfer here in the middle of the school year so... some students think I-I'm wierd!" she spoke sadly she turn her head into the ground,

"I don't want to judged her because of the incident yesterday and the whispers of the students earlier!"

"I don't mind to...but don't use me for your own protection!" I say,

"N-no thats n-not my intention...I-I just want to make some friends...I always seen you lonely y-you don't have any friends like me that's why I-I approach you! were...were same thats why I-I approach you and...I'm also thankful for for saving me yesterday!" she said nervously.

"I don't know if she knew who am I no one has a guts to approach me just because of my status just because I'm the daughter of Omauri Fuji and I hate that...thats one of the reasons thats why I don't have any friends...the other students is afraid to approach me...the other students that has a guts to approach me its only because they only want to use me.....I miss our town.....I miss our past life....."

"Do you know who am I?" I asked him while looking straight in her eyes,

"I don't know a lot of i-informations a-about you...I just know that your the top student in the top 15 and...and you are the always topic of the students and teachers... its because you are the smartest students in this school....."

"She probably didn't knew it its because she's a new student in this school!"

"Now I understand! I hope you wouldn't avoid me once you known who really am I!" I said, "H-huh?" she asked confused,

"Nothing! I think we have to get back, the class will start soon!"

"O-okay!" she said and smiled,






After School Hours




"Class dismiss!" all the students started to pack their own things and started to leave.

"S-sakura-san!" Kitagiri-san called me,

"Hmm!" I hum in response,

"Are you gonna go home now?" she shyly asked,

"Amm...I want to go to library today." I say,

"C-can I join?" she stutter,

"I don't mind." and we both head to the school's library.

Tokyo University's Library

When we enter the library I started to find a new books that will catch my interest, when I finally got what I want I go to my usual spot at the library and start to read it after almost five minutes, "Sakura-san!" Kitagiri-san sit beside me with a Kanji books in her hands she noticed my eyes in her books, "Oh I pick this because kanji is a bit difficult for me because I stay at states for a long time then suddenly my parents decided its time for me to get back home!" she said shyly I only nod as a response and we read our own books silently,.....after reading I decided its time to go home.

"I think we have to go home now." I said while packing up my things,

"Oh y-your right!" then she also start to pack up her things I head to the counter and put the books on it,

"I will borrow those books." I said to the lady,

"Me to!" Kitagiri-san said and placed the books in the counter,

"Okay!" she grab her notepad and write it and she placed the books in a two brown paper bag and handed it to us, "Arigato!" I said and bow then we started to walk out from the library,

"Oh! its looks like it will rain again!" she spoke when we arisefrom the library I look up into the sky, the clouds is turning from white to gray again but its still beautiful for my eyes a small smile started to form on my lips,

"Your so beautiful when smiling Sakura-san!" Kitagiri-san suddenly said to me I faced her, "A-Arigato!" I said my face back on its stoic expression,

"You should smile often Sakura-san...your beautiful when smiling!" she said genuinely,

"*Sigh*...I don't have any reasons to smile!" I mumbled,

"Huh?" she asked,

"Nothing! we should start to walk now!"

"Okay!" we walk silently heading to the school gate, when we arrived at the school gate I spoke,

"I have to wait at the school's waiting area so you can head home first!" I said,

"Oh m-me too I have to wait for my brother there!" she said while scratching the nape of her cheeks, "You have a brother in here?" I asked,

"Yeah he's a second year too like us..." she responded,

"I wish Kiro-san arrived first before her brother."

We silently wait at the school's waiting area after almost three minutes Kitagiri-san shouts, "Mono-nii!" she shouts while waving her right hand in the direction of two unknown boys in a tracksuit then the two boys approach us, "Mona-nii--" the boy stop in his tracks when his eyes drifted to me, he has an olive colored hair and gray eyes just like Kitagiri-san.

"S-Sakura Aki!" he stuttered,

"Oh you knew her Sakura-san is in my class Mono-nii!" she said and drifted her attention to the other boy who also staring at me akwardly,

"K-konnichiwa!" she said nervously, when my eyes and his eyes met the incident from the rain suddenly flash to my mind I can feel my face is slowly heating because of it,

"I remember you!" I said to the boy beside's Kitagirisan's brother,

"Ei! t-that was only an a-accident Gomen'nasai i-if t-t-that thing m-makes you mad I-I didn't mean t-to do it please don't expelled me!" he stuttered and bow the tips of his ears is red he was blushing madly,

"Why would I expel you? I don't have a power to do it." I bluntly said to him,

"Huh y-your not mad!" he said while standing straight,

"Why would I?" I asked,

"A-a-a-am!" he stuttered,

"You know Sakura-san?" Kitagiri-san asked the boy, "! am!" the boy look so nervous,

"He probably know who am I now!"

"I think we have to go now Mona-nii...sayonar­a Sakura-san sorry for intermission!" Kitagiri-san's brother said,

"Oh! a! s-sayonara Sakura-san I hope to join you with lunch again tomorrow!" she said to me while her brother dragging her away fron the waiting area,

"A-again?" I heard her brother asked, "U-um sayonara Sakura-san!" the other boy said and bow and join Kitagiri-san with her brother I nod and sigh,

"I'm sure her brother will tell who am I and I am lonely again tomorrow!"

I get my cellphone from my pocket and started to dial Kiro-san's number,

Kiro-san's Ringing...

On the phone

"Gomen Aki-sama! I'm already here at your school's street! I pick up something first before going to your school...Gomen!" Kiro-san said,

"Its okay Kiro-san!" I said to him and end the call

Call ended

The clouds in the sky is already gray then suddenly the drop of the rain started to drop on the grounds one by one, these scene is beautiful for my eyes a small smile started to form on my lips then I slowly close my eyes, I love this feeling when raining I can feel the presence of my mother when raining, a cold wind blows and my hair dance along with it then suddenly a light from the sky lights directly on my direction I open my eyes then a tear fall to my cheeks,

"Okasan!" I mumbled.