Adam was stunned into silence for a while. This was not expected. Either it was a very different game from what he was used to, or the size of the servers was something unheard of.
"Are you OK little human?" asked the giant cat.
"Uhmm, yes" Adam answered. "Is there anywhere else I can go? I have not been told so, but I feel I was brought here for a reason. Is there anywhere that needs heroes?".
The creature focused his eyes on Adam. Apparently, what he just said triggered an answer from the beast.
"For humans, being sent to Lolupata is a sign of desires for material possessions being predominant. It could be for riches, power, or food. This will be made clear if you ever come to handle mystic energies" Irulan answered in a monotone, its eyes glazed and unfocused. Afterward, the cat sneezed, breaking the tension and returning to normal.
"What was I saying? I drifted off for a moment." The beast asked.
Adam looked at the animal, wondering. He decided that getting an explanation was more important than trying to take advantage of the cat's lack of awareness.
"Irulan-sama. You just talked to me strangely. It seemed you were somebody else. Don't you remember what you said?" he asked.
The cat stood up and started pacing around Adam. It seemed somewhat bothered by the situation.
"It seems I'm having trouble with something I ate. I seem to still have side effects. Can you please keep quiet about this? It is quite embarrassing for me". The beast requested.
"Of course. I would never do anything to inconvenience friend Irulan" nervously answered Adam.
The beast gracefully sat back down, giving the impression of being nothing more than the cutest giant pet cat that you can think of. Adam had a spark of inspiration and decided to throw the dice.
"Can I help you overcome this problem? May I ask what did you eat?" offered Adam.
"It is a secret of my clan, little human. I cannot say. It is enough that you tell no one else about my condition." answered the cat, stretching. The movement casually made its claws go out of its paws, and its fangs were visible for a couple of seconds.
After stretching, the cat went back to a passive position. However, it decided to move, sitting beside Adam. Its piercing blue eyes focused on Adam's face with the perceptiveness of a wild animal looking at its prey before lunging for the kill.
"Of course. I will not mention it again" answered Adam, loudly gulping to avoid his voice from breaking. Shaking himself off, Adam steeled himself and focused on a piece of information that called to his gamer sensibilities. "Now that you have my commitment, I need to ask something."
Adam paused for a moment and asked.
"What are mystic energies? Can I learn how to use them?"