Sitting by the fire in the center of the village, Adam had a first-row seat to look at how the giant chicken was plucked, prepped, and cooked. He even made sure they follow his recipe, rather than the usual way they prepared all the meals in the village.
He instructed Yorky to have the Tengu prepare the chicken like a campsite barbecue. He did not have spices to add to the recipe, but Adam swore to himself to start cataloging stuff to use as spices once the system came back online.
He did not need much. Salt, sugar, and ginger were the 3 main things he knew how to cook with. Not that he did much cooking when he was alone in his house. Just the basics.
Just changing the way the chicken was cooked improved greatly the overall smell and look of the meal. The whole tribe showed interest and was eager to try this food. The smells alone had Adam salivating. Hopefully the flavors would not disappoint.
When at last it was pieced out, a big chunk had been given to him as a commemoration of his first kill on the hunting grounds. While eating, Adam had the strange feeling of eating chicken out of a baseball bat, so big was the drumstick he was given.
" Hey Yorky" called Adam.
"Yes?" was the answer by his side,
"Remember everyone that I want to have the bones back to my hut. I plan on turning everything from this animal into new weapons. If the feathers are metal like they seem, we can get a sword and a couple of reinforced clubs out of this fight. Had you ever seen this creature before in the village?" He ended up asking.
"This new. Never before here" was Yorky's answer.
"Well, I would like to be informed if they ever see more of them. This meat is excellent and we can get more out of this animal than others. I noticed we have some scouts around the village. Can we talk to them to try to find more of these chickens?" said Adam.
This stopped Yorky in the middle of his meal.
"Can. Yes. Need talk chief to not him angry. He not like any talking to fight Tengus" was Yorky's answer.
Adam smiled but hid it behind the gigantic piece of chicken he was eating.
"We could go talk to him together Yorky. I know it can be intimidating for you to talk to the chief. I don't mind telling him what I want myself" said Adam back.
With this, Adam took another bite of the chicken with gusto. It had ended up with a good flavor, but it did need the spices to be perfect. He was also hungering for a cola soda and some fries. Well, he will not be finding those on any of the animals around here, that's for sure.
Spices first, he bowed. Who knows what comes next, but he had to start somewhere, right?