Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"Ethan' POV"

While I was playing games, Kody woke up from his deep sleep, he looked around like he was completely lost.

"Where am I?" Kody asked.

My eyes still focused on my phone, "We're in a plane." I replied, "We are heading back to Philippines."

He looked at me, "Philipp who?" Kody asked.

I paused my game, walked over to him and slapped the hell out of him, bringing him back to reality.

"Why'd you do that?" Kody exclaimed, as he carressed his face.

I reclined in my bed, resuming my game, "I did that cause you were having dreams." I explained.

"Oh, did I do something embarrassing?" He asked, "Or weird?"

Since I'm extremely bored, this is the perfect time to prank him, I have games but Kody is way more entertaining.

I put my phone down, and began to start the prank.

"Yes, you did." I replied, "In front of many people."

"REALLY?! WHAT DID I DO?!" He panicked.

He immediately stood up and approached me, kneeling down, looking into my eyes with pure fear and nervousness.

"Remember the stewardess that came here to accommodate us?" I asked.

"YES! WHAT ABOUT HER?!" He asked. I felt so bad for him, he was literally shaking in fear, he was so cold.

"Well, you made out with her." I replied, "in front of many people, a lot of people."

His eyes grew wide open, "HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!" Kody exclaimed, "KISSING A STRANGER WAS NEVER ON MY LIST!"

"Nothing is impossible." I replied, "Dreams come true as well."

He was panicking so much, he kept walking back and forth and stayed in the corner curled up like a ball.

"It's okay buddy." I consoled, "You ain't going viral."


"I didn't want to ruin your dream." I replied, "I know how it feels when your dream isn't continued."

"SHUT-" he paused. The stewardess I was just talking about actually came inside our room, carrying a platter.

He didn't have any second thoughts and just went for it, Kody approached her, down on his knees, begging for forgiveness.


The stewardess was so confused, she did not know what to say, she stared at Kody like he was an old man with mental issues.

All passengers came out of their rooms to check out what was going on. Luckily, no one took out their phones to film him.

"Sir, I'm just here to serve your food," the stewardess said, "and we didn't make out or anything. We never did."

"YES WE DID!" Kody insisted, "IM SORRY!"

"Sir, I slept 5 hours ago." she explained, "and woke up 10 minutes ago."

"No one approached and made out with me." she added, "Not even you."

"5 hours ago?" Kody questioned, "I was still asleep."

"Are you sure you're not being played?" she asked.

"No, I'm not..." he mumbled, "wait a min.."

He turned to me, giving me the evil eye. This prank really infuriated him. He apologize to the stewardess and to everyone present.

"I'm really sorry." Kody apologized, "False alarm."

"You can now mind your own business." He added, "Let me take that for you, really sorry."

Everyone went on their way, mumbling back to their room. They were really expecting some spicy action or something.

He grabbed the platter that the stewardess held, and closed the door for her. Then, he walked over to the desk, placing the platter.

He turned to me, rolled up his sleeves and clenched his fists.

"ETHAN!! I SWEAR I'M GONNA KILL YOU SOMEDAY!" Kody exclaimed, as he was running towards me and tackled me.

"OKAY OKAY IM SORRY!" I apologized, "Stop now, or you'll pay the damages for this bed."

He rolls off my bed, down on the floor. He was so breathless.

"Not gonna lie... that was... a good.. prank." He said, as he was catching his breath.

"You think?" I asked, "Bet you loved the idea of making out with that stewardess."

"You bet I do." He smiled, giving off a very devilish charm.

We both laughed and got up, fixing our mess and preparing all of our stuffs before this plane lands.

Right after we fixed everything, we ate the platter that the stewardess left for us.

"Wow this adobo is so good." Kody said, as he was licking his finger.

"First time?" I asked, "I've tried this dish a lot of times, never gets old."

"Yep, it's my first time." He replied, "By the way, how are you going to search your sister?"

Oh yeah, almost forgot about that. I wonder how old she is. Never got to see her once.

"I guess, we'll have to go around town." I said.

"Okay, but what if we don't find her?" He asked.

"Then I guess, I'll let her come to me." I replied.

Hopefully I can find her. I know I will, the world ain't that small, we meet people along the way, especially the one's we deserve and deserve us.

They can be either be a lesson or a blessing.