What just happened?

How unfortunate I am.My car stopped as if there is something wrong so i don't have a choice but to get out and wait for a car to ask for help.

And luckily a red car stopped in front of me and a guy was rushing into me.

"Hey what's wrong in here"He said with his husky and manly voice.He is handsome and has a light aura.Tall nose,Not so big eyes and a small pinkish lip.This man is drop dead handsome.

"I don't know but it just stop maybe something is broken?"i asked

He immediately went closer to my car and check it.He then pick his phone and call someone.

"I already called someone to fix your car.Seems like your in a hurry,where are you heading?"he said looking and smiling at me.

"I'm about to go to Forbes Village"i said feeling shy.

"Oh!its a coincidence.I am also heading there.You can ride with me"


"I insist.It would be humiliating for me to leave you here alone so come."he then open the front door for me.

"Sorry for the inconvenience but thank you so much"i said and smiled at him.I don't know but he stared too much at my face and my smile.

"Woah you're so pretty when you smile"and flashed his jaw dropping smile."Uhm Thank you.I am Audrey by the way."i said.

"Nice meeting you Audrey but i prefer calling you beautiful,I'm franz"

"oh should i call you handsome too franz?"I don't know what happened next but i enjoyed his company.He's such a jolly man.

"Just there Handsome"I said almost laughing.

"Such a coincidence beautiful.We are going in the same house.Maybe we are meant to be"he said raising both his eyebrows.

"Meant to be my ass"i said rolling my eyes.Since when did we became so close and comfortable with each other?

"Reina Cousin,someone is here"wait cousin?"You're Reina's cousin?" "Oh drey you're here already" reina said.I just hug her "Btw Drey this is franz my cousin" "Yeah I knew him already rei"

"Couz,you didn't tell me you have a very beautiful friend huh"He said and chuckle

"You didn't ask.And why would i tell you?"reina glared at her cousin

I don't know but being with this two is such a great day. I am bever this happy in my entire life after my mom was lost.

It's nice meeting you a guy like Franz.

I've enjoyed being with this two.And i also opened up my married life with them.

"I don't know rei but i love him so much and i couldn't let him go"

Frank stared at me and said,"You should give it a try again and ask for signs if you should stay or let go already.Don't be too obsessed over that kind of guy.There are other guys out there who's better than your husband and try to be cold sometimes"Frank said staring so much at me as i cry.

"God that's a great advice frank"Reina while chuckling

"Find a better guy?like you frank?"I jokingly asked

"if you don't mind beautiful"frank jokingly said.

God i think i'm crazy after crying,here i am laughing so hard with them

"I don't mind handsome"and we all both laugh.

We talked for a lot of different things and just stopped when i decided to go home already because it's almost 4 pm and my husband might be home already.

"I'll drive you home beautiful"frank said"Aish fine."

Frank drove me home.He step out from the car and open the door for me."Thank you handsome"I chuckled as i say handsome.He just smiled and said"You're welcome beautiful."

I bid my farewell and he drove back.

I turned my back and went inside the house but i was shocked when i was welcomed by a dark mad aura of Zach.

"Where did you go?" "Reina's house"i said and was about to enter our room."Who's that guy!?"his callous hand gripped on my wrist tightly."Where's your damn car?"he asked consecutively not letting me answer his questions.

"My car was damaged and i don't know why and that's frank,Reina's cousin."I said casually and entered our room.God i'm so good in acting so cold HAHAHA

I immediately took some half bath and went to bed because i'm very tired laughing all day with Frank and Reina.

"Audrey, We don't have dinner"he said so calm at me

"I'm done eating with frank"that's the truth.Frank and I ate in the car."You can buy yours if you want"i said with a sleepy voice.

"You wouldn't cook for me?"He asked hesitated "Then why did you eat with that guy.Damn it".I couldn't answer him because my eyelid is getting heavier.I fell asleep not hearing the last thing he said.


I woke up so early maybe because i slept early too.I was welcomed by a text from frank saying"Hey beautiful,your car is fixed so you want me to fetch you and get your car?" I checked the time and its already 8:30."oh okay you can fetch me by 9:00.Thanks handsome".

After that i immediately fix myself and went to the kitchen but i was surprised seeing Zach in there drinking his coffee while waiting for someone?wait someone?does it mean me?I couldn't help but smile.I am just too happy for the thought we are eating together.Normally,at this time he's already gone for work and this is the very first time.

"Let's eat"he said not even looking at me but i wouldn't let that thing ruin my mood.I am just too glad and i don't care about other things.I answered him with a nod.Remember I am trying to be cold here.

"Do you want to go with me in the office?"he ask staring intently at me.

"Uhm nope.I have other things to do today"i said not minding his stares like he's eating me alive.

"Where?"What's with him right now?he is not like this.He isn't this interested about me maybe some air entered his head?Aish!I am trying to make things right here and here he is making me fall inlove with him more.

I was about to answer him the truth but a beeping sound interrupted us.I immediately stand up because i know that is franz.God what should i do.Its not like i cheated so i shouldn't be this terrified.

I was about to open the door when someone do it for me and that someone is grinning at me.

"Hi beautiful!"Franz cheerfully said but that smile faded when he saw whose behind me.And i can't look at my back.

"Uhm Zach w-we are going to get my car"I said hesitating.

"You're going to get it with him?"Zach asked with his angry face as if ready to kill this guy beside me.

"Dude she needs m-""And you think she doesn't need me?"Zach cut Franz almost gritting his teeth.

"That's not what i mean dude.I mean you're busy bro and as i can see you don't have time for her so i am doing it for you"Goddamn this no filter mouth of franz.

I saw how Zach's face change when he glance at me like his eyes are pleading for me not to go with Franz.

"Uhm we're just gonna get my car Zach.And you're already late for work."I said looking down.

"I am the boss and I have plenty of time.Just ask me to be with you"Whats really with him.Is he on drugs or what?I'd like to Zach but I just can't leave Franz hanging when he is just here to help me.

"I'm sorry but i already asked franz to be with me."I said before turning my back while Franz is following me.

"Beautiful you can be a good actress.Have you seen how hurt he is because you choosed me.Damn, it was priceless"Franz said like it was so fun."No, he isn't hurt it's just his ego talking"And that's the truth.