
The day went well.I had a great time with Franz.We ate together in a fastfood because we were so hungry waiting for my car to be fixed.We thought it was already fixed but something was wrong with it so we need to wait for a few hours.

"Audrey do you really think your husband has no feelings for you?"Franz asked in curiosity.

"Why do you ask?"i said glancing at him while eating my fries.

"Nothing.I just got a better plan for you"

"And that's what?"now i'm the one whose curious.

"Nah i won't tell you.You still didn't answer my question."

"Obviously he doesn't care for me.And he doesn't love me even a single bit"He never made me feel special like whenever i'm with him i feel so worthless and useless.

"Well,I have a better plan for you.Let's pretend to be sweet when he is around and don't mind him" "But he is my husband and what we are about to do looks like cheating."

"Did he treasure you as his wife?"that question punch my heart big time.

I don't know what came through me and i just accepted Franz offer of helping me out.

We are now heading to the shop where my car is repaired to pick it up.

I bid my thanks and goodbye to Franz and head home alone.

I was smiling while opening the door but my smile immediately faded when i was welcomed by a scene where Adriane is sitting beside Zach and they are talking happily like its normal for them. I never saw Zach this happy when his with me but with Adriane?No one can describe how happy he is.He didn't even glance at me while i'm heading to our room.Adriane look at me and i just apologetically smiled at her but i received an eye roll from her.I guess she still can't forgive me huh.Well i couldn't even forget myself from ruining their story but I'm too blinded with love that i couldn't even see how worthless i am as his wife.

I ended up crying the whole night in our bed waiting for Zach to come upstairs but he's still with Adriane.

I waited until he went upstairs and I just couldn't help it but to talk to him about what i saw.

"You too are still close huh?"I said

"It isn't your business.""But I am your wife Zach.Can't you see how miserable am I?! I did everything just to make up with the mistake i made and until now i am trying to do my best for you to forgive me.All i did was just because i want to be with you.Okay fine,I am at fault for what i did.And I am saying Sorry for it!I'm sorry for ruining everything,I am sorry for being your wife,I am sorry for being desperate.But please respect me and my feelings Zach.Don't just bring her here.I think i'm slowly dying because of the pain Zach.I hope you could even notice me as your wif"he slapped me with his hard hands.The tears i tried to hold back is flowing like a river.How can he be so heartless?

"Wife?I didn't even wish you to be my wife and here you are pestering me Everyday!Now you're talking to me like that!I didn't even give a damn if you choosed to be with that guy today than to spend your day with me!"

"Your hurting me Zach"I shouted.

"Damn you ruined my dreams!so I can do what ever i want with you!"He shouted before slamming the door.

I woke up with a sad mood and i don't know what got into me and i called Franz.

"Yeah what is it beautiful?"Franz said with his morning voice almost like a still sleepy voice.

"Can you have breakfast with me?I'm lonely in here"My husband didn't sleep here in our house so was Adriane.

"Where's your husband?"I don't know but he didn't sleep here.

"Oh alright.I'll be there beautiful"Franz said

"Thank you Franz.Bye"And I ended the call.

I cooked our breakfast.Its just a typical breakfast that i always cook for my husband.Yes he's eating it without saying anything.I am waiting for his compliment but i received nothing even a single bit. I remembered cooking for him for the first time but he just threw it away in the trash can.Not even tasting it.

The guy I admire the most is now a cruel and heartless man.And thats Zach my heartless husband.

I am desperate,martyr and worthless wife,Audrey Lalaine Hanes-Craige.