Chapter 63: Arena of Illusion IV

    Chapter 63: Arena of Illusion IV

"Little by little the path you take becomes harder, don't lose hope no dreamer takes the easiest path it is the opposite."


"Uggh! Wh-at did y-ou do? H-ow?" She was surprised and hardly utters a word. She slowly looks down at her chest where the dagger was placed right through her.

'Shit! You worried me to death.' Zia cursed. I faint smile and give a last and satisfying grin to the Acheri.

"I told you, I am hard to fool. Your word makes me think to grab the opportunity of granting my wish, but I remember I am not the Cesia who wants to escape the darkness and hell I encounter, just to forget it. To tell you the truth, I won't exchange my happiness right now. I am not selfish to receive such unreal happiness." I said. She slowly vanishes in front of me, turns into tiny particles that flow invisibly to the air. But before she vanishes wholly. I am confused about why I feel her and my heart broke for her.