Chapter 141: Zia’s Memories IV (Loosen Control)

Chapter 141: Zia's Memories IV (Loosen Control)

"Life is a game, you either win or lose but there is no draw…"


They said the fear of losing each other is always stronger than the pain we cause. It is like the chains that break you, are the chains that make you. And the chains that make you are the chains you break. Since, the day I devour Cesia's memories, I keep on thinking the day I am at loose, regretting why I took that chance?

Am I in the right track on that time? 

Why I feel the regrets right now?

What if I didn't do those parts?

I had nights dreaming what if we are still together? I had times to move back. But in spite all those days, night and times I had people who let me pull myself together, I am still feeling the pain. I always have a fear of losing love ones. Even if I don't want to see this happen, I will have to face the bitter truth sooner or later. And, now it is already happening.