Lazarus's garden (2)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I was hugging myself to preserve as much body heat as possible, lost in the lush scenery in front of me.

I jolted when a soft fluffy fabric touched my body from behind.

"I'm sorry, princess. I didn't mean to startle you.", I heard Lazarus's husky voice, while he draped a shawl on my shoulders. "You look like you could use an extra layer."

"It's OK. I just spaced out.", I smiled awkwardly and pulled the shawl snugly around me. The much-needed warmth seeped into me, and I had no intention to refuse the shawl. "Thanks."

He stood next to me and his eyes roamed over my face like he was searching for something.

"You are welcome. What were you thinking about?"

If I tell him that I was thinking about him living in a penthouse and ravishing girls, he might get the wrong idea. And there is no way I will mention Duke and my last night's dream.