Leaving Lazarus's villa

Author's note: this is from Aldus's point of view

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It was obvious that three teenage werewolves spoke about their current situation and they came up with something.

Zoe, Ash, and Luca had serious expressions while facing Serina, and no one expected that Zoe will announce they want to follow Serina.

"Follow me?", Serina asked with confusion obvious on her face.

All three teens nodded, and Zoe explained, "We will be your bodyguards, assistants, servants, whatever you need. We are fast and strong and we don't mind doing hard work."

Serina's brows furrowed while processing Zoe's words and I wondered how she will take this.

I must give it to the kids. They are smart. The three of them realized that Serina is the only one who wants to keep them, and by pledging to be her servants (or assistants or bodyguards), they are increasing their odds of being useful and reducing the chance of Serina rejecting them.