The escape from Lost Isles

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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My mind was spinning as I gasped for air.

The pressure in my core increased with every move of Liatris's fingers. She knew what she was doing.

The electric sparks started shooting through my body as the pleasure crashed over me in waves.


Liatris's fingers stopped moving and she plopped on the bed next to me.

Are you kidding me? I growled in protest. I was almost there! Why did she stop?


My left cheek stung fiercely, and I blinked to see who dared to hit me. Liatris is on the bed next to me... or is she?

"Wake up, Serina!"

It was Treva. What is she doing here? What about Liatris?

I blinked a few times and spotted Liatris lying on the bed next to me, unconscious.

I realized that my dress is a mess, and I quickly pushed it down, to make myself presentable.