Two and a half years later

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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~ Genoa, Italy ~

Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead as I focused on enhancing the turquoise alchemic flames under the cauldron while adding air currents in small bursts.

The alchemic flames Aldus creates are purple in color and he was surprised when he saw that mine are turquoise. He was investigating the reason behind this difference in color but he didn't find anything solid, so he dropped the topic. The important part is that they are working.

I like that they are different in color. It makes them more... mine. 

Back to the present...

My left wrist was glowing in faint turquoise that matched the color of my flames, indicating that I'm using the bracelet that got embedded in my flesh more than two and a half years ago. The bracelet is enchanted, and it allows me to control arrays that are set with runes (if I know the required patterns).