Massage at the Beauty Sphere (1)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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~ London ~

"Enjoying?", Mona asked me from the massaging table that was next to mine.

As a response, I groaned in pure bliss.

Mona told me that I will get the full VIP treatment when I come to London, and I didn't think much of it, but this is heaven.

I could lay down on this table the whole day and let this young lady knead away.

I tilted my head sideways and saw that Mona's eyes were closed and her smile told me that she is enjoying the massage as well.

Our relationship progressed over the years. I see Mona as a reliable person. A friend.

It all started while I was stuck on Lost Isles with a bunch of harpies.

Mona collected DNA samples of my so-called parents and Aldus ran tests against my profile.

Just as we suspected, they are not my biological parents.