The party at the Council (1)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Before coming to this event, Aldus gave me information on some people, but most of the files were without photos, so I needed to hear a name in order to make a connection. 

Aldus led the way among the crowd and exchanged nods before we were stopped by one older man who greeted Aldus with a small bow.

"Lord Aldus…"

I noticed several medals of different shapes attached to the left lapel of his suit and I assumed that he is someone of high status.

"Obedras, it's been a long time…", Aldus greeted back and he immediately switched to introductions. "You know my sister, Calista… and this is my daughter, Seraphina…"

The man frowned slightly when Aldus addressed him by his name, but he swallowed his grievances and greeted me and Calista politely.

We didn't stick longer than exchanging pleasantries with Obedras before moving on.