The party at the Council (2)

Author's note: this is from Lazarus's point of view

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I didn't want to go to the event. Who cares about the Council and their games?

All of them are the same, pretending to be there for the good of their people when in reality they are selfish pricks who care only about their interests.

However, when Aldus told me that Serina will be there, I got a reason to go.

There will be food and dancing, almost like a date. I will protect Serina so that no one sleazy approaches her, and at the same time, they will see that she is with me.

Ah, she still owes me the date! But it's been such a long time since I brought it up, that I wonder if she still remembers it.

It doesn't matter. I will ask Serina on a date as soon as I get a chance.

I entered the ballroom and searched for Serina's scent, but she was not there. Bummer.