Two wishes

Author's note: this is from Duke's point of view

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I wanted to take my car. I bought a brand new Aston Martin, with a goal to impress Serina, yet she refused without sparing a glance to the silvery road-beast.

I guess I will need to find another way to show her I'm doing well, and I can take care of her.

"My car is there." She gestured toward a custom Bentley that had a driver waiting for her.

I internally facepalmed. A customized Bentley with a driver. I guess that impressing her with cars won't work.

Looking at the tinted windows, I understood why I didn't know she was in her apartment in London. The security there is impeccable, so my men kept watch from outside. With that shaded glass, they were unable to spot her.

So far, Serina used cabs to move through London, or Mona would drop her off, so my men were watching the main entrance into her building. A silly mistake of underestimating her, again.