Lunch at the Piping Vault

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Duke didn't let go of my hand as we entered the restaurant.

At first, I thought of ripping my hand out of his, but then I gave up and went with the flow.

It was childish and silly, and... I liked it. I was never the one to attract attention, but my hand in his felt right, just how it felt good when Duke was by my side. From the first day we met.

The semi-private room had a number of white tables that could seat two, arranged next to each other with gaps for a person to pass between them. There was nothing excessive on the tables other than glasses, cutlery, and napkins, but the whole interior reminded me of the sunroom at home with massive windows, a glass ceiling, and numerous plants arranged through space. The cushioned chairs with floral patterns blended with the jungle theme perfectly.