Fostering together (5)

Author's note: this is from Serina's point of view

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Duke exited the bathroom with only a towel dangerously low on his waist.

He paused, giving me a full view of his flawless torso all the way down to his Apolo's belt.

I swallowed a mouthful of air while staring at him unblinkingly and I chanted silently for that towel to come undone.

"I forgot to get a clean set of clothes before shower."


Even from that distance, I could smell the pine trees and the ocean, and I pressed my legs together at the familiar feeling the arousal brings.

I nearly got a nosebleed while watching Duke parade all those muscles and his messy damp hair made him extra-handsome. He was in no rush to pick which t-shirt to wear.

He is such a tease.

Duke's expression was innocent, but I'm quite confident that he knew how he affects me, and he was doing it on purpose.