Fostering together (6)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I was curious when Ash called me and Duke to join him in the study early in the morning. My curiosity morphed in surprise when I saw that Luca was there as well.

Duke and I sat on the sofa, and he immediately held my hand in his. He is clingy and I love it. There is a dose of comfort and security that envelops me whenever he holds my hand and I wondered if he feels the same.

Luca was sitting on the sofa chair, and Ash stood straight, facing us.

Ash thanked us all for coming and then turned to Duke.

"I reflected on everything you said last night, and I want to ask you for a favor, but first, I need to apologize."

Ash looked guiltily at Luca, and I wondered when did Duke talk to Ash. I guessed that it happened last night, while I was in the study with Lazarus.