Fostering together (7)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I saw Duke shrinking in front of me and I wondered if I was too harsh.

"Duke, I know that your intentions are good, but your words sparked hope in him. I am his guardian and I really wished that you spoke to me before you made promises to Ash."

"I know, I know…", Duke said with urgency and gave my hand a squeeze. "When I told him that, I thought that we are talking about something that is six months in the future or more, and not around the corner."

"So, what made him think that he can move to London tomorrow?"

Duke thought for a second before responding. "Last night I went to his room, and I warned him that he needs to get his priorities straight. I don't want him to come to London thinking that it will be fun and games. I expect him to focus on work and not cause trouble. Maybe Ash asking to rush things is a way to show he is serious about it."

It made sense. Maybe.