Fostering together (8)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Breakfast was lively and without incidents.

Lazarus was busy with something on his phone, Luca was quiet (as usually), Ash chatted with Hugo and Emilio, and Zoe was in the group with the girls.

Mona was visibly tired but happy.

"What did I miss?", Mona asked when she sat at the table opposite me and Duke.

"Nothing much.", I responded. "How was your night?"

Mona wiggled her eyebrows and grinned. "Julian left at dawn."

"That good, a?"

Mona didn't deny it and I was sure that if not for Duke, Lazarus, and a bunch of teens, she would give me all the naughty details that make me blush fiercely.

"How was your night?", Mona asked.