La Nuit Noire (1)

Author's note: this is from Sergio's point of view

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I must admit that I was wrong.

I thought that Seraphina getting close to the young master will bring disaster because she comes in the same package with Aldus Mezzanotte.

However, now that they are aware of the young master's identity and are willing to help me conceal him, it felt like a big burden was off my chest.

I was doing all this ungrateful work for more than a decade and now I finally had someone to share this with me.

It's not that I trust the vampire. I am aware that unless Aldus has his own motives, he wouldn't cooperate, but I also know that he is powerful enough not to lie. If he wants to expose the young master, he would do so already. Aldus doesn't play games and I respect him for that.