La Nuit Noire (2)

Author's note: this is from Calista's point of view

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When in Paris, I usually stay in Aldi's building. The view of the Eiffel Tower is amazing, and the staff takes care of all my needs. However, I decided to stick to a hotel this time because Serina and Drago were there, and spending the whole weekend with them might be too much.

I had no intention of hovering over Serina and her boyfriend or to intrude on their time, but she told me so much about him, and I was itchy to meet him. Is it possible that such a perfect male specimen exists?

Everything about him sounded fantastic, other than the part where he left her on her own because he thought that's for the best. Bastard. How can he leave an enamored teenage girl on her own with an excuse how that's good for her?

I was aware that Serina is absolutely smitten with the boy, and I wanted him to know that she is not on her own.