No more lies (1)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Duke and I drove one hour away from Paris and then hiked through the forest for some time until we found a grass-covered clearing that was speckled with wildflowers.

It was just what I had on my mind.

The weather was pleasant. It was sunny with occasional clouds throwing shade. We were surrounded by the chirps of birds and the rustling of the leaves under the light breeze.

It was perfect for spending time outdoors.

We had a full picnic basket and a blanket that the staff prepared, per my instructions.

Duke and I snacked on cheese and grapes, smoked meat went great with the wine, and we had bread and various spreads.

"You seem uneasy…", Duke voiced his thoughts.

Of course, he noticed that I was tense. I picked this spot because it was far from civilization as we needed privacy and I didn't want anyone to interrupt us.

Well, here it goes.