No more lies (2)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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"You don't remember.", I said to Duke and reached into my purse to get a paper. "You were a kid when your father brought you to see Aldus Mezzanotte for an examination."

Duke took the paper from my hands and looked at the page that had Duke's photo as a child and the name 'Mateo Testa'. It also had basic information on height, weight, and some general notes that Aldus took at that time.

I let out a slow breath. This is it. There is no going back now.

"It says that there is not enough information to determine my state.", Duke said when he finished reading what was on the paper I gave him.

"You were too young for further tests and your father said that he will bring you later when you grow up a bit."

Duke pressed his lips into a line. "My parents never told me I'm sick."