Serina as the bait (6)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Zeiroi was a skinny young man with short dirty blonde hair. Per human standards, I would place him at about twenty years old, but the numerous cuts and bruises on his face impacted his appearance and I was not sure about it. He could be younger.

I understood from my chat with Zeiroi that there is a boss called Frac, and that there is a bunch of kobolds here.

Kobolds are something like dogs with a humanoid build. They are physically weak and find strength in numbers. Marius and his group won't have problems taking care of them.

I was concerned by the news that people don't linger in this place for long.

Considering that they knocked me out to bring me here, and I had no idea how that happened, I didn't want to risk being unconscious again and waking up on some sacrificial altar.

It was time to stop playing.