Serina as the bait (7)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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"Does father know that I'm safe?", I asked Marius, and he nodded in response.

I knew that these kobolds will be interrogated, so they were not my concern.

Marius told me that there is one hour until the party is over. "Master wants to know if you will join him at the event, or if you will meet at home."

"I will join him."

Aldus was at the party, pretending that he was not aware I'm missing, and based on how it goes on my side, there were two scenarios for him to act on.

One is that I return to the party so that Aldus and I head home together, like nothing unusual happened. In this case, people behind kidnapping would be confused by all the conflicting information and maybe start doubting their sources.