The Darkest Hour (2)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Resentment and dejection swelled inside me. This is my first time to see Adele, Ruby, and Willow (live) after the incident in Venice. I had three years of simmering anger and seeing them laughing and enjoying life didn't sit well with me. Not after what they did to me.

Why would Duke get them here to have a good time?

I was not sure what my expression was, but it was probably not good because Duke stood up and cupped my cheeks, forcing me to look at him.

"Are you OK?", he asked with concern obvious in his voice.

"I assume that you didn't bring them here to enjoy the evening.", I said stiffly, and Duke smirked. I hoped that he will explain the current situation, but he didn't, so I continued talking, "I thought this is an exclusive club. Considering their current standing, they can't be guests. Are they escorts?"