The Darkest Hour (3)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I enjoyed the sight of color draining from Duke's face. 

"Oh, wait… so you wanted to use this on me? Is your little buddy not working anymore, so we need to use this?"

Duke's expression darkened. "What do you mean, little?"

I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. I thought he will be worried I said how it's not working anymore, yet he was stuck on the size. Men.

Duke hugged me from the back, probably to make sure he doesn't touch the dildo.

"Tell me you are joking, love."

"Why would I joke?", I snapped. "You brought me here to watch half-naked women and to see all these sex toys. How I see it, you are bored of me and you…"

My words were cut off when he abruptly turned me to face him.

"Don't assume I'm bored of you.", he said grimly. "Kevin told me that there are toys we can try, but I didn't know what they are. As for the women, did I even look at them?"