An escape plan

Author's note: this is from Magda's point of view

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"Never mind that.", I interrupted Anna's overdramatic performance. "I don't have much time. Tell me, what's going on in London."

Anna chuckled. "It's nice to hear you too, Magda. I'm glad you are alive. Did John lock you in a basement or put you in a prison, if you don't know what's going on in London? And how come you didn't call earlier?"

I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to waste precious time explaining my situation, but unless I say something, Anna will not understand how serious this is.

"I'm not in London. I'm confined at some stupid University in Sweden without phone or media access. I went through a lot of trouble to make this call, so please, tell me what happened since my birthday fiasco. Are people still talking about that scandal? Do you know what my brother is up to lately?"

It took a few seconds for Anna to process my words and I was about to snap at her, but then she spoke.