Ready to leave

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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~ London ~

I was in the car, on my way from the airport to Duke's apartment.

The day has come, and Duke was getting ready for a two weeks-long stay at my home which I'm sharing with Aldus.

As soon as Mitch started the car, I called Duke.

"Hi, love…", Duke greeted me in a singing voice when he picked up the call.

"Hello, handsome…", I sang back. "Guess where I am?"

"Home, in Genoa, waiting for me."

"Wrong!", I exclaimed victoriously. "I'm in London."

"Eh? Why are you here? Are our two weeks canceled?"

I stifled a giggle. "Of course, not. I couldn't wait, and Mitch was about to come to London to pick you up anyway, so I decided to tag along."

Duke let out a hearty laugh. "Now I really feel like a wife. My husband is coming to pick me up and take me home."