Ugly on the inside

Author's note: this is from Duke's point of view

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The sight of Magda approaching me in the underground garage of MY apartment building irked me. What is she doing here?

I hoped it's not her.

I hoped it's look-a-like.

After all, Magda always wore high heels and designer dresses while this woman was in running shoes, jeans, and a hoodie. But then she removed the hood that obstructed her face and I realized that I'm in the presence of the woman I least wanted to see.

"Shouldn't you be in Sweden?", I asked dryly.

Magda stopped three steps away from me and smiled. "I see you are keeping tabs on me. That means you are interested in me."

Duh! How stupid can she be? One keeps tabs on enemies, not on friends. But I guess Magda doesn't know the difference.

"Why are you here, Magda?"

Instead of answering me, her eyes landed on my suitcase. "Is it true? Are you really going to marry Seraphina Mezzanotte?"