
Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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"Ah!", I exclaimed while clutching my chest.

A searing sensation came out of nowhere and left me breathless.

"Are you OK, Miss?", Mitch asked while peering into the rearview mirror.

We were one block away from Duke's apartment building and suddenly an ominous feeling descended on me.

"Hurry up, Mitch.", I urged him.

The door of the underground garage opened and a person wearing a hoodie ran out, nearly slamming into my car. A strand of long blonde hair told me it's a female. What's her problem?

"Miss!", Mitch shouted, and I realized that something is wrong. Really wrong.

I bolted out of the car and my heart stopped beating when I saw Duke on the ground, with the pool of blood under him expanding.

No. This is not happening.