Three days later

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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~ Italy, Genoa ~

My eyes fluttered open, and I found myself in my room.

"Ugh…", the headache was killing me.

"Miss, you are awake!", Maria exclaimed, and I frowned while holding my forehead.

"Sorry, sorry…", she quickly said, and continued in a hushed voice, "Are you thirsty? Is there anything I can get for you?"

I licked my lips and swallowed non-existent saliva. "Water, please…"

In a second, Maria was by my side, passing me a glass of water. It had a wedge of lemon in it to what I was grateful for.

With every gulp of water, my mental haze cleared up a bit.

Why was I here? I was supposed to be in London… I remembered the garage and Duke lying in a pool of his blood, and Aldus's angry voice.

"What day it is? Where is my father? Do you know what happened to Mr. Orsini?"

Maria raised her hand, to stop me from going further into panic.