Teenage insecurities (5)

Author's note: this is from Luca's point of view

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Zoe and I were doing our usual bickering mixed with teasing when Ari's mocking voice interrupted.

"Aww, aren't you two a cute couple?"

The moment Zoe fell off that chair, Ari was apologizing and saying how it was an accident, but since neither Zoe nor I paid any heed to Ari, she dropped the act and showed her true colors.

I could see golden flashes in Zoe's eyes. Is she on the verge of shifting into her wolf form from anger? Maybe I should stand back and let Ari provoke Zoe more.

"Get lost, you jealous bitch!", Zoe venomously spat at Ari.

Zoe usually doesn't use profanities, so this namecalling meant that Zoe was on the verge of snapping.

"Oh, the pup is growing fangs…", Ari said in a singing voice, obviously not intimidated.