Not normal

Author's note: this is from Zoe's point of view

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I woke up with a familiar scent enveloping me and I smiled. It's been a while since I slept this well.

But the body I was hugging felt foreign.

My eyes snapped open, and I stared a Luca. "When did you bulk up like this?"

"What?", he asked drowsily.

I patted his firm pecs with my palm. "You are much bigger than I remember. And warmer also."

Luca chuckled. "You held me like this more than three years ago. Of course, I've grown. Silly. As you establish the connection with your wolf, your body temperature will rise. You will see."

I thought it made sense. "Is that why Fynn, Bert, and Otto mostly go around topless?"

Luca hummed in confirmation before asking, "What's the time?"

"It's still early.", I responded even though I didn't check. But I'm an early riser and the angle of the sun rays seeping into the room confirmed my statement.