Another type of food

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I was walking toward the common room, thinking that Zoe and Luca might be there. If not, I would search for them in their rooms.

I didn't really have anything to talk to them about, but I wanted to tell them that I'm leaving.

"…You think you are high and mighty now?", I heard a condescending female voice I recognized as Ari's. It came from the common room, and I halted my steps.

"Stop with your useless threats, Ari…", Zoe responded. "You can't intimidate me. We both know very well that if you ever go beyond spouting your poisonous nonsense, Fynn will punish you."

Ari stifled a laugh. "Do you think that Seraphina will save you? Fynn is indulging her only because he enjoys the new meat. He will get bored of her soon and once your sweet pussy turns eighteen, it will be ripe for picking. Enjoy fucking your brother until then, because once you feel a real man…"