Harpy's punishment

Author's note: this is from Treva's point of view

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~ Lost Isles ~

It's been a while since Serina left the Lost Isles, yet Archousa and Manteio still can't let go of their grudges.

I mean, I knew that they are power-hungry and that they saw Seraphina as someone who can help harpies to regain their former glory, but I underestimated how angry they will be to find out that Serina escaped.

I remember fondly my many interactions with Serina, especially after her display of might in the lake, when she created powerful winds and whirlpools. That was awesome.

In order to coerce Serina into staying, Archousa and Manteio gave Serina one of the best rooms, and her diet was enriched with fresh fruits and nuts that I've got to enjoy as well. Ah, those were the days.