A conspiracy (1)

Author's note: this is from Bertram's point of view

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~ Unknown location ~

I entered a noisy pub, and my nose was assaulted by the combined scents of alcohol, sweat, and tobacco.

I hate this place. It's always packed with hoodlums and just by inhaling the same air, I fear that some of their dirt might get transferred on me.

I made my way toward the back room and found a familiar door that opened after a rhythmical pattern of knocks on the second panel from the left.

My steps halted at the sight of four people sitting at the table, obviously waiting for me.

Bolek sent me a request to meet urgently, but he didn't mention anyone else.

I dislike surprises.

Why are Mahir and two other people in the room? And what's with those masks?

The two people wore dark capes with hoods over their heads, so I could see only eyes, mouths, and chins exposed. I could see that they are males, and they smelled human.