A conspiracy (2)

Author's note: this is from Bertram's point of view

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Bolek continued talking, "If Aldus takes sides, the power balance in the Council will tip, and that will reflect in all realms. We need to be ready. This is more than just Aldus. Elena is the perfect example. She is currently neutral, but if Aldus favors someone, I'm confident that Elena and a few others will follow…"

I could feel Bolek's irritation as he spoke.

He is the head of the Hunters Association, but in the world of creatures, he is no more than a fly. Food.

I still remember Bolek's outburst when he was denied a seat in the Council. That was one of the rare occasions when Egoth and Omniel were united.

Egoth said, "This is the Council of creatures, and you are not one of us. If you get a seat, should we let dolphins in also? They are highly intelligent. We need to draw the line somewhere. Without innate magic powers and ability to shapeshift, you are not qualified."