Understanding the side-effect

Author's note: This is from Seraphina's point of view

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I entered the guest bedroom where Duke was lying and found Maria who was taking notes on Duke's vitals.

I was thinking of transferring Duke into my room, but I didn't want to move him unnecessarily and potentially worsen his condition, and there are these bulky machines for monitoring his condition, so I kind of moved into this room.

I sleep next to Duke, and I shower in this bathroom.

It's painful to see him like this, but it's also painful to stay away.

"Anything new?", I asked Maria when she kept the tablet down.

Maria shook her head. "He is the same. The brain activity confirms Mr. Orsini is in deep sleep. His body is fine. I'm confident that he will wake up soon.", she assured me.

"Thank you, Maria.", I responded with a smile, even though I knew that her assurance was just to pacify me.