A different soul echo (1)

Author's note: This is from Seraphina's point of view

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I found my situation extremely frustrating.

I'm not a vampire. Why did I end up craving blood? OK. It's not like I suddenly developed an appetite for blood, but taking in vitality makes me feel full. Fresh blood is brimming with vitality, so it's the perfect thing to keep me going.

I was quite confident that my current state is due to whatever Aldus did when he brought me here from London, but without knowing what exactly he did, I had no ideas how to go about reversing it.

Krob said that my father sealed my ability, but just sealing it shouldn't cause this backlash.

Maybe it wears off in time. Oh, God! What if it gets worse!?

To be honest, I didn't know how many more abilities I could handle.