
Chapter 163 The Only Timeline I Exist In Now(Present)

Zhou Hua Fan's strangled sobs broke the heart of the god who feared nothing but her tears and hatred. Her worn-down soul and weary flickering life source like a candle also painfully shaved down the barrier of indifference created by the ones who judged his trial in the centuries before their reunion. "Everyone around me, everyone, all of you are liars!" She spat grievously, clawing her hand through her twisted hair fulgurating between realities just like her features unsure of who was who at this point in time. Her face was no longer beautiful but a mesh of different ages and stages of Zhou Hua Fan of past, present, and previous timelines. Only knowing that each one held a common grievance towards the god who dared not take a step closer in fear of shattering her realities further.

"All but-but him. All of you-!" He couldn't breathe, he didn't dare to in her unstable presence. What am I? What am I?! An evil spirit?! A wandering soul?! WHAT AM I?!