
Chapter 164 Huang Gou Heng

Save me. Lifting his head just in time to catch the lights of a passing plane, the teen quietly took in the gardens before him and the city lights just beyond the gates. Behind him, once more lights danced along with the many people dressed lavishly laughing as if the world they were exploring was already theirs. Huang Gou Heng glances over at the flashing lights, his eyes becoming darker the longer he looked. The teen turns his gaze away and reaches up to loosen his tight collar seemingly annoyed by the clothes he wore. The tie that he had meticulously put on was useless again today. The hair he had trimmed and styled was also useless. Gou Heng's brows furrow as a hint of frustration could be seen in his jerky actions, since that day, he hadn't seen Zhou Hua Fan again.