Part 1: Safe Zone 1012 (Outpost)

James Lockwood was sitting in his chair. At the Outpost office of Safe Zone 1012. Early in the morning. Two individuals in front of him, Mr. Ferral and Granny Park were discussing Zack.

Granny Park said, "When are you going to see Zack, James? He's been asking about academies out there recently. And I can't tell him about them until he passes the certification test ".

People think 1012 is just some kind of fancy number or important military code. But only designated and important people know that it is not. James raised his eyebrow slightly, He has been busy lately. The population of 10 million people in the SAFE ZONE 1012.

It refers to the total number of safe zones within our sector. Only God knows how many sectors exist. Some people believe that the sectors are administered by high-level organizations.

He has been informing his superiors about the recent spate of monster attacks. Despite the fact that humanity has been rapidly growing for thousands of years. Only a small fraction of our planet has been colonized by humans, leaving the rest unknown.

Due to an increase in the human population in our safe zone. I've been assigned the responsibility of exploring the boundaries of border areas. Attempting to explore the unmarked places. And reporting on the environment, terrain, monster list, and power level.

Our last excursion has resulted in countless losses. The number of attacks has increased dramatically. It appears that someone has assaulted a monster belonging to the monster tribe! We won't get a good night's sleep till we destroy their monstrous boss! Inwardly, James pondered.

As a result, he forgot about Zack's predicament. He assumed Zack was 7 years old, But suddenly he realizes Zack is now 8 years old. When he finished the adoption papers. He discovered that Zack's parents had only moved to this outpost 5 years before. Their aim is to investigate the unmarked zones. And they are registered as Special Trainee Warriors.

But when I tried to access the data 5 years ago. It showed unauthorized access. I'm not sure if they were assigned to another secret operation or a spy assignment. But both are risky. He started sweating when he thought about it. Because he spotted something in their database.

According to reports, they were married but had no children. It appears that their parents did not update their database. And did not even know about Zack when they were living. He planned to tell Zack about his parents. After He joins a certain force and has some ranking power. Because it is troublesome now that both of his parents are gone.

He's heard rumors about several old sneaky foxes and greedy strong people. In leadership positions in various organizations. And He doesn't want to get involved in cause and effect. It's a risky situation for him and Zack. As a result, He chose to adopt Zack and give him his surname. 

He kept information about Zack's past to himself. Telling Granny Park and            Mr. Ferral that Zack's parents were ordinary Hunters. Registered under the PARAZAM HUNTER LEAGUE. And creating a false profile of him for Zack's benefit. Stating that, He is the child of another Trainee Apprentice Warrior couple. They died 7 years ago on the outskirts of Zetros Town during a monster invasion.