Part 2: Safe Zone 1012 (Outpost)

Mr. James then tapped his Sci-fi watch. Which belongs to CLASS LME-1 (LME-Low, Medium End). A Virtual Projection Screen with Advanced Tech Resolution (ATC). Projected in front of his desk. 

Giving the impression that, you are actually in that location.  Chatting casually with a group of friends. In that projection, They can spot four institutions of the SSV Academy (SSV-Saw Scale Viper).

"Since this is the period of warriors equipped with sci-fi equipment." Mr. James explained. "Each institution strongly determines candidates based on their whole strength. Which includes their aptitude, threat awareness level. And facing life and death circumstances in a complex environment."

Mr. James continued, "Only by doing so a warrior can face any circumstance. And humans can quickly explore unmarked places in our world. Due to a lack of data about unmarked areas. Warriors were facing unilateral monster killings. As a result, we need every individual who has demonstrated not just strength. But also intelligence and the ability to survive in severe circumstances." 

"Will you be able to get the space for Zack?" Granny said after hearing Mr. James' words. The race for a seat in the academy is fierce. Those powerful and prominent people pre-registered. Their sons and daughters for the majority of the spots."

Mr. Ferral intervened at this point "There are nepotism and favoritism. You can't expect a wealthy person's son or daughter to end up at a low-income institution. They will use their connections and fortune. You can't battle them without a background. And I believe they've already taken over A and B Grade institutions."

Mr. James explained. "Now is the period of the strong, the strong who dictates, the strong who determines the rules. The only saving grace is that our world has a large number of powerhouse organizations.  There is no individual monopoly or rule. There is an Ancestor Group that makes decisions. As a result, there is a check and balance system in place."

"Those guys fed their children with treasures of a different class. With those treasures, the body constitution of children will undergo tremendous changes. With that qualification alone, they can get their slot in the A and B Grade institution of the academy. 

But Zack is different. His constitution is strong because of his parents," Granny expressed her concern. "We haven't put his constitution to the test. He also did not use any resources on his body. Making it difficult for him to have a chance in even D grade institutions."

Mr. James said, "I don't have relatives. So, I adopted Zack. Based on my Army Federation merit. I obtained Zack a temporary spot in a D Grade facility. When Zack proves his talent. He will be able to secure a permanent position at the D Grade institution ". 

Then he added, "As for the institutions with a C grade. There aren't enough merits in my life. But, only if Zack performs extremely well in the qualification test. He will get a slot in the C Grade institution of the SSV Academy (SSV- SAW SCALE VIPER)."

"I'll get some low-end herbs for Zack while we wait for his appraisal in two years."