Part 1: Passage way

Ms. Tracy finally made up her decision and chose to tell. She replied, "There is a presence of level 2 Queen Ant in that Colony." My pulse beat quickens when I hear that. "It's a Level 2 Monster," I reasoned.

Yes, she is correct. Ant Queen Monsters can be found in every ant colony. This is something I hadn't considered previously. If she's telling the truth. My plan to attack the colony should be postponed as a result.

Unlike Level 1, Uncle James informed me that Level 2 Class Monsters had certain skills. This could be either elemental or other specific talents. The Monster's skills will only become stronger as it evolves further.

I believe it to be true since I have witnessed it with my own eyes. The Level 2 Black Tree Monster's passive sound ability in action.

I'd stay away if it weren't for the noise. I would have dealt with it right away.