The squad is being led through the passageway by Mr. James. Mr. Paul, Ms. Emma, The Twins, and finally Mr. Craig Dawson followed him in order. The two leaders took up positions on opposite sides of the room to deal with issues.
Hearing about poisonous plants is alarming. Mr. Paul's imagination was filled with wacky ideas. He's already been tense recently. Now I'm noticing the poisonous plants. He quickens his steps.
He is hesitant to express his viewpoint. It will be considered a violation of the order. Furthermore, based on their findings, this investigation is ongoing. He had no choice but to take part.
He wants to get out of the probe. Instead of two teams, he desired one. To find the tracks, everyone should spit separately. Then he'll be able to hide in the safest place possible. He knew it deep down in his heart. He was well aware that it was a level 4 monster.