Convincing everyone

(Zack's POV)

I sighed, These days are going well. There will be another life-or-death duel in a few days. After the previous drama, I'm hoping there will be no surprises this time. Currently, I have completed my cultivation training time at home. The body's strength has improved slightly.

I can sense my next barrier if I take a few more blood essence pills. In the meantime, I need to gain a lot of experience. Keeping this in mind, I began to browse the alliance network. I intend to go to Monster Zone. For that, I'll need a basic understanding of the Monster's zone nearby.

In contrast to the Black Forest, which is a restricted zone. Civilians can enter certain zones. After browsing various websites for a few minutes, I had gathered enough information. After I've made up my mind, I go downstairs to seek Uncle's advice. Then I discovered Uncle James conversing with Granny Park.